Professor, New School for Social Research
China-India Future Relations
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Stern Center, Great Room, 7 p.m.
Will India and China cooperate or compete? Officials and experts have asked this question for over a century, and more often than not were wrong in their predictions. This lecture explores why the predictions were wrong and suggests new ways of thinking about Sino-Indian relations.
This event is sponsored by the Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues and co-sponsored by the Donald W. Flaherty Fund, and the Departments of International Studies and Political Science.
Biography (provided by the speaker)
Mark W. Frazier is a professor of politics, and co-academic director of the India China Institute at The New School, a university in New York City. His research engages comparisons of China and India in terms of how each has coped with development challenges related to inequality and urbanization, historically and in the present. He is the author of Socialist Insecurity: Pensions and the Politics of Uneven Development in China (Cornell University Press 2010) and The Making of the Chinese Industrial Workplace (Cambridge University Press 2002). He has contributed op-eds to The New York Times and The Diplomat. Before assuming his current position in 2012, he held faculty positions at the University of Oklahoma and at Lawrence University.
Video of the Lecture