Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Stern Great Room, 7 p.m.
Can You Still Have Fun? In Search of “The Good Life” in a Broken World
Katrina Jurgill Briddell ’01, Head of Social Impact & Community Investment at The Hershey Company
How do we live life with intention and with wonder and delight–while witnessing the injustice, darkness, division, and pain in the world? What does it mean to balance responsibility to our family, community, and world while prioritizing joy, fun, growth, and our own experience of life? Katrina Jurgill Briddell ’01 will be the first to tell you she does not have all the answers, but she will share how her life was shaped by sitting with these questions and engaging with them along the way. In this session, she explores lessons from her personal and professional journey—from her time studying Spanish and Religion at Dickinson to her work today in social impact and sustainability—and how an evolving vision of “the Good Life” has served as a guide on her path through life.
This program is sponsored by the Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues and co-sponsored by the Department of Spanish & Portuguese Studies. This program is part of the Good Life Series and Read more