It Takes More than the “Veg”

by veg posterPanel Discussion

Thursday, February 10, 2011
Stern Center, Great Room, 12:00 p.m.


Chad M. Kimmel, associate professor of sociology, Department of Sociology/Anthropology, Shippensburg University
David Sarcone, associate professor, Department of International Business and Management, Dickinson College

Carlisle, Pennsylvania has a rich history of farmers markets. From the “Market House(s)” located on the square for more than a century, to the more modern market buildings that followed, farmers have continually engaged in commercial activities in Carlisle since the middle of the 18th century. Honoring this tradition, the Carlisle Central Farmers Market (CCFM) established itself as a year round, hybrid public/farmers market. CCFM espoused both social and economic goals as stated in its mission statement – “…to promote sustainable agriculture practices, to encourage healthy eating, and to provide entrepreneurial opportunities for those who produce and sell local products.” But what began in September 2007 as a well intentioned venture, ended in February 2009.

This presentation will explore the life history of CCFM, and will pay particular attention to the timeline of events and decisions that opened, maintained and finally closed the market. Other models/timelines of farmers market development in other parts of the nation will be used for purposes of comparison. The presentation will conclude with lesson learned from the experience.

Chad M. Kimmel, Ph.D.
Chad M. Kimmel is an associate professor of sociology in the Department of Sociology/Anthropology at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania where he teaches courses in Community Sociology, Criminology, Deviance, and Juvenile Delinquency. His 2004 dissertation, “Levittown, Pennsylvania: A Sociological History,” chronicled–with the use of oral histories of original residents–the development of one of the more famous postwar, mass-produced suburbs. His is current research and writing pursuits include a grant-funded evaluation project of Main Street programs in Pennsylvania, research on the two-year life story of the Carlisle Area Central Farmers Market, and a community building initiative—The Shippensburg Area Time Bank—that uses a complementary currency (Time Dollars) to strengthen the relationship between town and gown. (

David Sarcone, Ph.D., C.M.A.
David Sarcone is an associate professor at Dickinson College in the Department of International Business and Management. He joined the department in 2001. Prior to joining the Dickinson faculty, Dr. Sarcone was employed in the health care industry. Over a health care career spanning twenty five years he held senior management roles in several leading regional health care systems and specialty provider organizations. Dr. Sarcone served as the coordinator of Dickinson College’s Health Studies Certificate Program and currently serves as the chair person for the Department of International Business and Management .Dr. Sarcone’s research interests include health care services management; and, issues in community health. Dr. Sarcone earned his master’s in business administration from the University of Pittsburgh and his doctoral degree from the School of Public Affairs, Pennsylvania State University.

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