Thursday, October 30, 2008
Stern Center, Great Room – 7:00 p.m.
A panel of Dickinson College professors will examine U.S. domestic policy to better understand the challenges Senator Obama or McCain will face if elected. Student representatives from College Democrats and College Republicans will ask questions of the panelists prior to the general question and answer session.
Topical Background
A country’s domestic policy is a set of guidelines which outline how the federal government will direct its internal affairs (the everyday lives of its citizens and their communities). The growth of transnational issues means that very few issues today are considered solely the province of domestic policy. However, topics such as the health care system, including both Medicare and Medicaid, the state of the economy and job creation, the rise of gas prices, the debate over illegal immigration, the educational system, the regulation of business and industry, and the protection of civil liberties have all been debated throughout the 2008 presidential election because their impact is visible and immediate for many American voters. More recently, attention has centered on the financial crisis, which has produced a credit freeze that many fear could result in an economic depression. A panel of Dickinson College faculty will explore these issues to provide a deeper understanding of the challenges facing the next U.S. president.
Michael Heiman – Professor of Environmental Studies and Geography
Stephanie Gilmore – Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies
David Sarcone – Professor of International Business and Management
Dan Kenney – Instructor in Political Science
Stephanie Larson – moderator – Professor of Political Science