Stern Center, Great Room, 7 p.m.
The Molly and Wayne Borges Memorial Lecture
Danger, Purity and the Holy Land Past and Present
Robin Darling Young, Catholic University of America
To the holy city of Jerusalem and the land that surrounds it, three new and distinct assemblies laid claims of territorial and devotional holiness. This lecture explores the expression of those claims in discourse, in construction, and in demolition.
This joint event is sponsored by St. John’s Episcopal Church in Carlisle and the Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues and co-sponsored by the Department of Religion.
Topic overview written by Sarah Ruschak ’27
Biography (provided by the speaker)
Robin Darling Young is Ordinary (Full) Professor of Church History at the Catholic University of America, and affiliated faculty of the Department of Semitic and Egyptian Languages. Her most recent publications are (as editor in chief) an annotated commentary and translation, from Greek and Syriac, of the Gnostic Trilogy of Evagrius of Pontus, and a translation of the Armenian Letters of Evagrius (CSCO, 2023) with Hovsep Karapetyan. She is at work on an interpretive study of that author as a philosopher in the Alexandrian tradition, and is co-translating the Contra Celsum of Origen of Alexandria for the Graphai series of Dumbarton Oaks/Harvard University Press. She is past president of the North American Patristics Society. She has taught at the University of Notre Dame, and has been visiting professor at the University of Chicago (Armenian Studies) and the University of Virginia. She received her M.A. and Ph.D. at the University of Chicago.
The Molly and Wayne Borges Memorial Lecture
This memorial lecture honors the lives and ministries of Wayne and Mary Ellen Borges by addressing important spiritual or social issues. As a joint venture of St. John’s Episcopal Church of Carlisle and Dickinson College, the lecture is intended to bring together the area religious community and college affiliates to explore topics of importance with speakers of recognized accomplishment and authority.
Video of the Presentation