Virtual program on YouTube Live, 7 p.m.
(Rescheduled from 3/24/20)
Devising Civic Practice: Listening is the New Revolution
Michael Rohd
Center for Performance and Civic Practice
Rohd, lead artist for Civic Imagination at Center for Performance and Civic Practice and founding artistic director at Sojourn Theatre, will speak about the work of arts and culture in this moment of Global Pandemic, Social Justice Uprising and Black Lives Matter. In his work with arts councils, artists, non-profits and local governments around the country, he is an advocate and bridge-builder for the contributions artists can make in moments of change, re-imagining and transformation.
The program is sponsored by the Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues and co-sponsored by the department of theatre & dance. It is part of the Clarke Forum’s semester theme, Civic Engagement and the Liberal Arts.
Topic overview written by Scout Meredith Best ’21
Biography (provided by the speaker)
Michael Rohd is founding artistic director of the 19-year-old national, ensemble-based Sojourn Theatre. In 2015, he received an Otto Rene Castillo award for Political Theater and The Robert Gard Foundation Award for Excellence. He is an institute professor at Arizona State University’s Herberger Institute for Design & the Arts and is author of the widely translated book Theatre for Community, Conflict, and Dialogue. He is lead artist for Civic Imagination at Center for Performance and Civic Practice where current initiatives include The Catalyst Initiative, Civic Body & Learning Labs. He was the 2013-2016 Doris Duke Artist-in-Residence at Lookingglass Theater Company in Chicago. Recent/Current projects include collaborations &/or productions with Goodman Theater, Bush Foundation, Singapore Drama Educators Association, Americans for the Arts, Nashville’s MetroArts, ArtPlac Americae, Cleveland Public Theater, United Way, Catholic Charities USA, Cook Inlet Housing Authority Alaska, ASU/Gammage & Steppenwolf Theater.
Video of the Presentation