Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium, 7 p.m.
Marc Mastrangelo, professor of classical languages, Dickinson College
Crispin Sartwell, associate professor of philosophy, Dickinson College
William Nelligan, class of 2014
Willa Hut, class of 2017
Alex Toole ’14 (moderator), class of 2014
Crispin Sartwell, associate professor of philosophy, and Willa Hut ’17, will argue in favor of the motion, while Marc Mastrangelo, professor of classical studies, and Will Nelligan ’14 will argue in opposition. The debate will focus in part on the consequences of legalizing marijuana, both positive and negative, as well as how the question relates to the rights and duties of a human being.
This event is the first in a new series titled Dickinson Debates sponsored by the Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues and the Student Senate Public Affairs Committee.
Biographies (provided by the participants)
Marc Mastrangelo is a professor of classical studies and has taught at Dickinson for 17 years. He has published books and articles on the literature of the later Roman Empire, Greek tragedy, and ancient intellectual history. He is cofounder of the Humanities Collective and faculty advisor to the Quads Neighborhood.
Crispin Sartwell is an associate professor of philosophy at Dickinson College. He’s the author of a number of books, including Obscenity, Anarchy, Reality and Political Aesthetics. His essays have appeared in many places, including Harper’s, The New York Times, and the Times Literary Supplement.
William Nelligan ’14 is Dickinson’s student senate president. He is a double-major in political science and history, focusing on the history of higher education, urban America, and the civil rights movement. A resident of Portland, Maine, Nelligan is Dickinson’s inaugural Public Service Fellow, the chair of the majors committees in history and political science, and research assistant to Prof. Matthew Pinsker and the House Divided Project.
Willa Hut ’17 is from South Orange, New Jersey. She is currently a first-year at Dickinson College. She has not yet declared her major but is interested in studio art and English. On campus, she is a member of the Outing Club.
Alex Toole ’14 is the student project supervisor at the Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues. He is a double-major in political science and French, and also serves as Dickinson’s Student Senate Vice President for Finance. Toole is a member of Dickinson’s all-male a cappella group, and after graduating he will join the Baltimore City School District as an elementary school teacher.
Dickinson Debates is a new series of debates co-sponsored by the Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues and the Student Senate Public Affairs Committee. In this series, Dickinson professors and students will debate significant and timely issues that are of interest to the Dickinson community. If you have an issue that you think should be debated as part of this series, please email your idea to the Clarke Forum at
Video of the Debate