Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Healing: At What Price?
Stern Center, Great Room 12:00 P.M.
Issue in Context
Holistic healing refers to medical practices that seek to integrate the mind,body, and spirit. Proponents of holism argue that traditional medicine does not effectively address the spiritual and mental aspects of healing. Many holistic techniques are derived from ancient medical practices, and holistic therapy has gained popularity in the West over the past decade. According to the 2002 survey conducted by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 36% of Americans had used a form of alternative therapy within the past year. Criticism of holistic techniques arises when alternative therapies cannot be supported by scientific data or lack adequate testing. However, there are areas in which conventional medicine and alternative techniques complement each other. Through analysis of Sub-Saharan African and Tibetan contexts, Bernard Ugeux will share his insight into the current success of holistic therapeutic practies in the West.
About the Speaker
Bernard Ugeux currently serves as the director of the Institute of Science and Theology and the director of the Center for African Studies in Toulouse, France. In addition, Ugeux is a professor of theology at the Catholic Institute of Toulouse and the founder and director of the Research Group on Inculturation of African missionaries in Rome. Ugeux’s numerous scholarly affiliations include the Medicine Applied to Development and Health Association (AMADES) and the World Council on Religion and Peace (WCRP).
In 1987, Ugeux received doctorate degrees in theology from the Catholic Institute of Paris and in the history and anthropolocy of religions from the University of Paris-Sorbonne. His most recent book, Healing at What Price? (Querir, a quel prix?) , focuses on healing and spirituality. Ugeux spent fourteen years conducting anthropological research in Tanzania and speaks French, English, Dutch and Swahili.