Fulbright Scholar, School of Humanities Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg.
Eve and Lilith: Men and Women Telling the Myth of the Creation of Woman
Friday, November 16, 2007
The Clarke Forum, 12:00 p.m.
This program is open to Dickinson faculty, staff and students by reservation only. Space is limited – email flinchbk@dickinson.edu to reserve a seat. Lunch provided.
Prof. Bar-Itzhak will discuss the Lilith myth as crystallized in Jewish tradition. She will show how this myth reinforced the sacred patriarchal order of the society by creating Lilith as the worst enemy of “good” women.
The Lilith stories from ancient Jewish sources were all written by men. She will also present the story as told by women from Jewish traditional society, for whom Lility is still a living myth.
Co-sponsored by Judaic Studies.