Virtual program on YouTube live, 7 p.m.
(Rescheduled from 3/26/20)
Re-Engaging Research through Citizen and Community Science
Jennifer Shirk
Citizen Science Association
Citizen science gives us strategies to think not only about what we can learn from science, but how we can all learn more together. This talk will explore cases where scientists, resource managers, and community members take the opportunity to engage – to listen and build connections – in order to develop shared understandings through research-based partnerships.
The program is sponsored by the Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues and co-sponsored by the departments of religion and international business & management and the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM). It is part of the Clarke Forum’s semester theme, Civic Engagement and the Liberal Arts.
Topic overview written by Scout Meredith Best ’21
Biography (provided by the speaker)
Jennifer Shirk works to research, advance, and serve the field of public participation in scientific research. As the interim executive director of the Citizen Science Association, she builds collaborations across different citizen and community science contexts to share practical and evidence-based knowledge for leading effective projects. Through her history and affiliation with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology she has worked in a wide range of informal learning and natural resource management settings, exploring promising practices that support integrity in both research and public engagement. Her research interests focus on citizen science for scientific research and conservation, particularly where complex decisions are at stake. Shirk has a B.A. in conservation biology from Bard College, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in natural resources from Cornell University.
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Video of the Presentation