Interview with Anthropologist Glenn Stone

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The Clarke Forum For Contemporary Issues
Interview with Anthropologist Glenn Stone

Glenn Stone is an anthropologist whose work centers on the politics and ecology of food and agriculture, including smallholder, alternative, and capitalist industrial agriculture and agricultural biotechnology (GMO’s). His fieldwork has been in Nigeria, India, the Philippines, and Appalachia, with additional research in prehistoric archaeology in the U.S. Midwest and Southwest and in a biotechnology laboratory. Author of one book and and over 70 academic articles, he has been awarded fellowships by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the School for Advanced Research, and most recently the Simon Guggenheim Foundation. He is past president of the Anthropology & Environment Society. He is currently Professor of Anthropology and Environmental Studies at Washington University in St. Louis.Interview conducted by Scout Meredith Best ’21
Produced on: 9/3/2020
Genre: Interview
Interviewee: Glenn Stone